Closer to home have been the now decade long struggles of son Owen (soon 25) who volunteers at a mission close to where I live in Mexico. Like many youth, Owen tried alcohol and marijuana, viewed pornography, and dabbled in the occult (all recognized portals for demonic influence). At age 15-16, feelings of rejection led him deeper into the realm of the Satanic. At 17, feeling sorely oppressed and desperate, he cried out to God for help. And God answered.
Owen went off to a year of Bible school, gave four months of service in Mexico, completed an associate's degree at a community college, and then another year of Bible school. His devotion to God and compassion for others was evident to many, but he struggled with feelings of oppression, self-hatred, and knowing the true voice of God. A Christian mentor knowledgeable about spiritual warfare gave support for awhile, but Owen continued to lack peace of heart and mind.
I came to understand demonic power while teaching in Africa in the 1970s and 80s, and learned more about distinguishing between mental illness and spiritual struggles while working with the American Psychiatric Association in the late 80s. Now, 25 years later, I yearned to understand how demons could so trouble Owen and how he could be freed. One thing I had not recognized was something I was about to learn…the link between emotional pain and demonic oppression.
Just two weeks ago, searching for answers to the intractable pain issue, I rediscovered the writing of
Francis MacNutt. This wise, humble, highly educated (Harvard, Catholic University, Aquinas Institute of Theology) former priest, now married to a psychotherapist, offered the treasure!
And the treasure is this: a loving God is--today, around the world, through those willing to take on this ministry--healing deep emotional pain and physical ailments, and freeing people from demonic oppression. First must come repentance from sin and forgiveness of self and of those who have caused one pain...asking God to enable forgiveness when one finds it humanly impossible. Then comes the process of inner healing. A high percentage of those troubled by demons have unhealed emotional pain, and Owen has described this link in his own experience.
With MacNutt's book Healing and other writings as guides, and with support from loving believers here in Mexico, Owen and I have embarked on an arduous, rewarding journey of healing and deliverance for him. In the process, I'm receiving healing for my own wounds. As we seek God, we feel a deep humility and a desire to worship Him our creator and Jesus our redeemer. And we are learning more about resting in the Holy Spirit who enables us to open our hearts for healing.